Lord’s Prayer Consequences
The Cloak for Sophia from the Women And The Church / Inclusive Church stall at Greenbelt
Our theme for September is The Lords Prayer. One Sunday we played an all age game of Lords Prayer Consequences! In groups, we took each line of the Lord’s Prayer at a time and wrote a line inspired by it, and then passed them on.
The first lines were inspired by titles for God that had been pinned to the Cloak for Sophia that was on the Women And The Church/Inclusive Church stall at Greenbelt this year (see photo).
We wrote our next line on the next piece of ribbon that arrived on our table, and again passed them on.
At the end we unrolled the ribbons and read what we had created:
The dragon who blows fire into our lives
We celebrate your creation and joy
Your loving ways are best for us all
May your healing touch us at our point of greatest need
May we heal each other’s hurts
Give us grace to lead us on the right path.
Love without borders
Source of all blessing
Give us sustenance for our spirits
Help us be humble in the way we are with others
Show us the way to gentleness keep us on the right way.
Dearest Love
May your name bring life and light
Let love be at the centre of all we are throughout the world
Give us strength for today and a calm mind
Help us to make good choices.
Great Lover of everyone and everything
Congratulations on your infinity-th birthday!
Heal our hearts, earth and society with love:
We trust your love for our needs.
Help us love ourselves and each other enough to be forgiving.
Help us find our way with courage in the darkness.
Thank you Freedom-Maker for making us free.
Your love is astonishing.
May your compassion unite all creation.
Give us grace to understand and be tolerant to each other,
as you are to us.
Help us to keep on choosing God’s path
In the middle of all the wrong turns around.
Help us to care for all you have given us
Let us see the world with new eyes
Help us get back in target
Save us from our ‘traps’
and help us to lovingly take responsibility.
Maker of Wholeness
May no polar bears die of climate change.
Give us love and hugs to get through each day
Help us to love others as you love us -
Mercifully, with grace.
Inspire us to follow the light of your love despite the costs,
Knowing we are held by you.
Loving Creator,
Lord of Peace and Justice,
May we not be divided by our differences
And may we live in peace.
Give us peace and hope,
Fill us with love
And free us from hatred.
Ground of our being found in all things
May You as Truth be known.
Give us hope -
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
Lock the doors of temptation and open the doors of good.