Lecture Video Recordings
Warren Hartley, our LGBTQIA+ Ministry Facilitator, with the Open Table ecumenical worship community for LGBTQIA+ Christians @ St Bride's Liverpool, Wednesday...
St Bride's Public Theology Lecture for LGBT History Month with Luke Dowding In this lecture, Luke explores how queer theology can offer a framework that enables radical inclusion for everyone; drawing parallels from the progress made by LGBTQIA+ people for full equality - and the work that is yet to be done.
Luke Dowding, Executive Director of One Body One Faith, shared a reflection on the parable of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast for LGBT+ History Month with the Open Table ecumenical worship community for LGBTQIA+ Christians @ St Bride's Liverpool, Sunday 16th February 2020 www.opentable.lgbt
Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, Rector of St Bride's, reflects on the importance of names and identity with the Open Table ecumenical worship community for LGBTQIA...
Steven Shakespeare talks about nature and the spirit of creation
Bernard Clerkin, Co-Facilitator of Open Table Liverpool, reflects on Nativity stories at our Annual Carol Service with the Open Table ecumenical worship community for LGBTQIA+ Christians @ St Bride's Liverpool, Sunday 15th December 2019 www.opentable.lgbt
Was Jesus perfect, or was he human? How Christians answer this question has vast implications for what we say and do in the name of our faith. Using queerness as an interpretative lens, Liz Edman explored how the story of the Syro-Phoenician woman disrupts an overemphasis on Jesus' divinity.
Warren Hartley, St Bride's LGBTQIA+ Ministry Facilitator & Co-Facilitator of Open Table Liverpool joined Open Table Manchester at Manchester Cathedral for a special service on 29th September led by the Revd Canon Rachel Mann. Readings: Galatians 5:1-15, John 13:31-35
Warren Hartley, LGBTQIA+ Ministry Facilitator shared a reflection at our joint St Bride's and Open Table Liverpool Service on Sunday 30th June 2019. Reflecting on the story of Zaccehus in Jesus' gospels and considering how Jesus "queers the pitch".
Jonathan Clatworthy reflects on how we respond to tragedy. 24th March 2019
Talk at Liberal Evangelism Day Conference, St Dunstans Liverpool, 2 February 2019
Talk by Miranda Threlfall-Holmes at the Liberal Evangelism Day Conference, St Dunstans Liverpool, 2 February 2019
Talk by Emma Percy at the Liberal Evangelism Day Conference, St Dunstans Liverpool, 2 February 2019
Talk at Liberal Evangelism Day Conference, St Dunstans Liverpool, 2 February 2019
Talk by Jonathan Draper at the Liberal Evangelism Day Conference, St Dunstans Liverpool, 2 February 2019
Talk by Martin Percy at the Liberal Evangelism Day Conference, St Dunstans Liverpool, 2 February 2019
Talk by Mark Waters at the Liberal Evangelism Day Conference, St Dunstans Liverpool, 2 February 2019
Talk by Phil Threlfall-Holmes at St Brides Liverpool, part of a series on the environment
Mary the mother of Jesus. Reflection by Cate Jacobs 2 December 2018
This week we continued our look at "God's Granny's" the women who were listed in Matthew's Gospels as the ancestors of Jesus. This week we look at Bathsheba. Her story told by Tracie Dunsby on 25 November 2018
The first of a series of 4 challenging women in the Bible. Miranda Threlfall-Holmes on Tamar's challenge to her father-in-law's patriarchy
Jonathan Clatworthy on the Hebrew prophet Micah and the nature of real peace
Jonathan Clatworthy on justice and fairness in the ancient prophet Micah
Revd Bob Dickinson as part of our series exploring prayer introduces contemplative prayer.
Rev Dr Hannah Lewis, Liverpool Chaplain to the Deaf Community, reflects on embodiment, incarnation and resurrection with the Open Table ecumenical worship community for LGBTQIA+ Christians @ St Bride's Liverpool, Sunday 14th April 2018 www.opentable.lgbt
Mike McGurk, Archdeacon of Liverpool, reflects on John 12:20-33 with the Open Table ecumenical worship community for LGBTQIA+ Christians @ St Bride's Liverpool, Sunday 18th March 2018 www.opentable.lgbt
Through out the season of Lent we've been reflecting on the Holy Habit. Today Jonathan Clatworthy shares about the Thanksgiving Prayer
Through out the season of Lent we've been reflecting on the Holy Habit. Today Miranda our Team Rector looks at the habit of giving.
Kieran Bohan, one of our lay ministers, reflects on the Holy Habit of gratitude using the ancient meditation known at The Examen.
Warren Hartley, LGBTQIA+ Ministry Facilitator at Open Table Liverpool, reflects on LGBT History and shares his story @ St Bride's Liverpool, Sunday 18th February 2018 Open Table is an ecumenical worship community for LGBTQIA+ Christians www.opentable.lgbt
Jennifer McKenzie, Archdeacon of Wigan and West Lancashire , reflects on Song of Songs and the Wedding of Cana with the Open Table ecumenical worship community for LGBTQIA+ Christians @ St Bride's Liverpool, Sunday 21st January 2018 www.opentable.lgbt
Every year St Bride's honours World AIDS Day with a special service and this year Cate Jacobs from St Bride's community shares a moving reflection on World AIDS Day and Advent.
Ellen Loudon, Liverpool Diocesan Director of Social Justice and Canon Chancellor of Liverpool Cathedral, lead us in an exploration of Impact / Flourish / Buzz, an asset based theology of social justice, generosity and grace.
Warren is our LGBTQIA Ministry Facilitator at St Bride's and part of the group which runs Open Table providing a warm welcome to everyone but especially the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex and Asexual Communities.
Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, Vicar of St Bride's, reflects on a reading from the Gospel of Matthew 22:1-14 with the Open Table ecumenical worship community for LGBTQIA+ Christians @ St Bride's Liverpool, Sunday 15th October 2017 www.opentable.lgbt
Public lecture given by Rev Jonathan Clatworthy based on his new book Why Progressives Need God. In his talk Jonathan explores the question, does keeping God out of social and political issues make them harder to resolve?
We continue our series on 'Missing Voices in Community', exploring voices we don't always hear. This week we mark Inclusive Church Sunday as Ellen Loudon reflects on poverty.
We continue our series looking at 'Missing Voices in Community', exploring some voices we don't always hear. This week, our new Team Rector Miranda gives her first sermon at St Bride's and shared her thoughts on women in the Bible.
Are we nearly there yet? God and the hope of progress. A talk and discussion in the context of a church service led by Jonathan Clatworthy focusing on God and the hope of a better life'. Reading from 1 Peter 1:22-2:10.
Rt Revd Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool, reflecting on a reading from the Gospel of Matthew 15:21-18 with the Open Table ecumenical worship community for LGBTQIA+ Christians @ St Bride's Liverpool, Sunday 20th August 2017 www.opentable.lgbt
Are we nearly there yet? God and the hope of progress. A talk and discussion in the context of a church service led by Jonathan Clatworthy focusing on 'The cult and rejection of progress'. Reading from Job 38: 1-11.
What does progress look like? A talk and discussion in the context of a church service led by Jonathan Clatworthy focusing on 'What is progress, and do we want it?' Reading: Matthew 6:25-34.
Are we nearly there yet? God and the hope of progress. A talk and discussion in the context of a church service led by Jonathan Clatworthy focusing on 'What is progress, and do we want it?' Reading from Acts 17:22-28.
Whether you love it or hate it (or somewhere in between), the Bible is central to our faith. This month, four different speakers will explore why their favourite Bible passages are important to them. This week, Helen Randall, a Licenced Reader in our team speaks about how the parables can be both playful and challenging.
St Bride's and Open Table, the monthly service for the LGBTQIA+ community of Merseyside and those seeking a more inclusive church, invited Rev Canon Dr Ellen Loudon, Liverpool Diocesan Director of Social Justice and Canon Chancellor to Liverpool Cathedral, to lead our service.
Whether you love it or hate it (or somewhere in between), the Bible is central to our faith. This month, four different speakers will explore why their favourite Bible passages are important to them.
Our June series is 'Appreciating Church', inspired by the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) process St Bride's and Open Table have undergone which feature as case studies in the Appreciating Church resource book published in February. This week, Kieran Bohan reflects on how asking questions has an enormous capacity to create change at many different levels of our consciousness, and to impact our dialogue with others.
Public lecture given by Canon John Goodchild as part of the Theology and Modernity series of lectures given at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 12th June 2017
ur June series is 'Appreciating Church', taking inspiration from the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) St Bride's and Open Table have undergone which feature as case studies in the Appreciating Church resource book published in February. Cate reflects on the gifts around us in our communities
St Bride's and Open Table, the monthly service for the LGBTQIA+ community of Merseyside and those seeking a more inclusive church, invited Rev Jo Jan Vandenheede, Pastor to the Liverpool Nordic Church to lead our Transgender Day of Remembrance Service.
During this Easter season, we've asked members of our team, deanery and congregation to reflect on What does Resurrection Mean to Me. We've had a wonderful variety of reflections which are inspiring and challenging.
Deborah from the Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer shares her experience of this simple and beautiful meditative practice.
Rev Anne Lawlor from St Dunstan's and Chaplain to Liverpool Women's Hospital shares a reflection on what the Easter Story means to us today.
Our theme for Lent this year is 'Fairness and Social Justice' - we will look at the ways we impact the lives of others around the world. Today Mark Waters explores how in approaching fairness and social justice we need first to attend to our own perspectives and needs.
Our theme for Lent this year is 'Fairness and Social Justice' - we will look at the ways we impact the lives of others around the world. Today Trish Doocey will help us celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight with a service entitled: 'Fair and True'.
St Bride's Student Intern, PJ, spoke on Sunday 19th Feb for International Day of Prayer for Students. PJ looked at how we as a faith community can meet the needs of students
Rose from St Bride's reflects on the Divine Feminine as we celebrate our Patron St Bride
Jane Duncan Rogers worst fear came true in 2011 when her husband died. Having had no children, she had always been scared of her husband dying early meaning she would be left alone in the world. And then it happened. Jane shared her inspirational story and how her biggest fear turned out to be hiding enormous gifts.
EYE-WITNESS - Stories from the West Bank & Israel Paul Clark, recently returned from the West Bank, shares: What is daily life under occupation really like? What is the Israeli peace movement doing? What can we do to promote a just peace in Israel-occupied Palestine? on Jan 18th 2017 at St.
Helen from St Bride's leads our reflection on Epiphany, journeys and gifts finishing with a guided meditation.
Jonathan Clatworthy explores the role of the Shepherds in the Christmas Story and the symbolism of why shepherds were part of the story..
Public lecture given by Canon John Goodchild as part of the Theology and Modernity series of lectures given at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 28th November 2016.
Martin Fenerty, Manager of the Armistead Centre in Liverpool shared his story to honour World AIDS Day at a service held on 27th November 2016.
St Bride's and Open Table, the monthly service for the LGBTQIA community of Merseyside and those seeking a more inclusive church, invited Rev Rachel Mann, priest, poet, write, broadcaster and Canon of Manchester Cathedral to lead our Transgender Day of Remembrance Service
Jonathan Clatworthy concludes our series looking at the themes or Reconciliation and Forgiveness within the parables of Jesus. Jonathan particularly looks at the concepts of shame.
Rose kicks off our new series exploring parables. On Remembrance Sunday we look at the parable of the lost sheep in a fresh way.
St Bride's and Open Table, the monthly service for the LGBTQIA community of Merseyside and those seeking a more inclusive church, invited Rev Kate Gartside, Minister at St John's United Reformed Church in Warrington and Open Table Warrington to lead our celebration service
Loretta Minghella, CEO of Christian Aid gives the IC lecture for 2016 at Liverpool Cathedral. The title of her lecture is 'Does Poverty have a Woman's Face'?
St Bride's and Open Table, the monthly service for the LGBTQIA community of Merseyside and those seeking a more inclusive church, invited Rev Hannah Lewis, Chaplain to Deaf Community led our vigil remembering the victims of the Orlando shootings.
Public lecture given by Canon Dr James Woodward as part of the Theology and Modernity series of lectures given at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 23rd May 2016. Between Remembering and Forgetting: Exploring the Narratives of Age in our Faith Communities.
Ruth continues our month long series exploring the Wisdom Tradition of scripture and looking at Jesus as a teacher of wisdom
Ruth continues our month long series exploring the Wisdom Tradition of scripture and looking at Jesus as a teacher of wisdom
During May we'll be exploring the theme of Wisdom for the community of God's people. What might the Wisdom tradition common to many faiths have to share and teach us.
A special lecture given by Professor Gillian Ahlgren as part of the Spirituality and Awakening series of lectures at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Sunday 24th April 2016. Gillian Ahlgren is director of the Institute for Spirituality & Social Justice at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Duane Williams, lecturer from Hope University and trustee of the Eckhart Society, spoke at our Sunday service on 24th April as part of our series exploring prayer and as part of the Festival of Spirituality Here Duane reflects on the type of prayer Meister Eckhart proposed
Ray Simpson from The Community of Aidan and Hilda visited Liverpool as part of the Festival of Spirituality and also spoke at our Sunday morning service exploring "Houses of Prayer".
Francis Bennett visited Liverpool as part of the Festival of Spirituality and also spoke at our Sunday morning service exploring "Prayer of the Heart".
What do we mean by the word prayer? What are we doing when we pray and what difference does it make, if any? These are just some of the questions we'll be exploring over our four week series as we take a look at the spiritual practice of prayer from a range of perspectives.
Public lecture given by Rev David Leslie as part of the Theology and Modernity series of lectures given at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 14th March 2016 exploring the concept of Transformative Learning
Final part of our series exploring the idea Did Jesus die for our sins? Christians have often interpreted the death of Jesus as not just a judicial execution of a popular activist, but an event that changed humanity's relationship to God.
Part of 3 of our series exploring the idea Did Jesus die for our sins? Christians have often interpreted the death of Jesus as not just a judicial execution of a popular activist, but an event that changed humanity's relationship to God.
Part of 2 of our series exploring the idea Did Jesus die for our sins? Christians have often interpreted the death of Jesus as not just a judicial execution of a popular activist, but an event that changed humanity's relationship to God.
Part of 1 of our series exploring the idea Did Jesus die for our sins? Christians have often interpreted the death of Jesus as not just a judicial execution of a popular activist, but an event that changed humanity's relationship to God. It has been called ransom, victory, substitute, expiation, propitiation, atonement, salvation and reconciliation.
St Bride's and Open Table, the monthly service for the LGBTI community of Merseyside and those seeking a more inclusive church, invited Rev Glyn Thomson from St Jude's to celebrate communion and share his reflections.
Ruth takes another look at the Christmas narratives and reflects on the role women played in these stories and how they have been used and even abused down the centuries.
A story for World AIDS Day from our service at the end of November. Jackie from Make Space shares the story of her brother, a vicar, who died 20 years ago last month due to an AIDS related illness. #livingfromtheheart
Public lecture given by Rev Jonathan Clatworthy as part of the Theology and Modernity series of lectures given at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 23rd March 2015 "Why is hell so much more fun than heaven?"
St Bride's and Open Table, the monthly service for the LGBTI community of Merseyside and those seeking a more inclusive church, invited Rev Sara Doyle from St Bride's to celebrate communion and share her reflections.
Our new series for the first part of October is 'Unfamiliar Gospels', which takes a fresh look at gospels both familiar and unfamiliar. As well as the Gospels we know from the Bible - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - we'll be looking at some that didn't make it into the Canon, such as Thomas.
Our new series for the first part of October is 'Unfamiliar Gospels', which takes a fresh look at gospels both familiar and unfamiliar. As well as the Gospels we know from the Bible - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - we'll be looking at some that didn't make it into the Canon, such as Thomas.
Our new series for the first part of October is 'Unfamiliar Gospels', which takes a fresh look at gospels both familiar and unfamiliar. As well as the Gospels we know from the Bible - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - we'll be looking at some that didn't make it into the Canon, such as Thomas.
Our theme in September is Saints. We will hear stories of people who listened to the Divine and challenged the assumptions of their times. We will reflect on their lives and be open to new possibilities for ourselves and our communities.
St Bride's was delighted to welcome Rev Dr Barbara Glasson, formerly the minister at the Bread Church on Bold Street to celebrate Inclusive Church Sunday
Our theme in September is Saints. We will hear stories of people who listened to the Divine and challenged the assumptions of their times. We will reflect on their lives and be open to new possibilities for ourselves and our communities.
Featuring - Rev. Keith Hitchman, Sue Branch, Warren Hartley Copyright Bay TV Liverpool
A mini-documentray about St. Brides Church in Toxteth, Liverpool.
From our recent series exploring Sacred Space, Rose looks at the what the academic concept of Servicescape may show us about out building and what makes it sacred to us
Uploaded by St Brides Liverpool on 2015-08-13.
The second in our series Encounters with Jesus. Today Sandra looks at a very special story
The second in our series Encounters with Jesus. Today Dave and Lynn look at Life Beyond the Rules
The final in our series exploring ideas from John Philip Newell's book "The Rebirthing of God". Jon reflects on reconnecting with love.
St Bride's and Open Table, the monthly service for the LGBTI community of Merseyside and those seeking a more inclusive church, invited Rev Jo Jan Vandenheede from Liverpool's Nordic Church to celebrate communion and share his reflections.
As part of our series exploring ideas from John Philip Newell's book "The Rebirthing of God", Linda reflects on reconnecting with the Light at the Heart of all Life.
As part of our series exploring ideas from John Philip Newell's book "The Rebirthing of God", Rose reflects on the importance of reconnecting with the Unconscious.
As part of our series exploring ideas from John Philip Newell's book "The Rebirthing of God", Martin reflects on the quality of non-violence
Public lecture given by Professor Linda Woodhead of Lancaster University and President of Modern Church. This lecture is part of the Theology and Modernity series of lectures given at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 29th June 2015 Professor Woodhead asks "What's wrong with the Church of England and can anything be done?"
Linda Woodhead is interviewed by Helen Jones on BBC Merseyside's Daybreak programme ahead of her lecture "What's wrong with the Church of England?" at St Bride's Liverpool on 29th June
This is part of an 8 week exploration of a new theme at St Bride's. "In the Rebirthing of God: Christianity's Struggle for New Beginnings, we are invited to imagine what new birth would look like in our lives individually and collectively.
A special lecture given by Martin Nathanael as part of the Spirituality and Awakening series of lectures at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 11th May 2015. Martin explored 'The Art of Awakening' drawing on the life and teaching of Jesus and universal spiritual principles from the world's spiritual traditions.
Rev Guy Elsmore and Kieran Bohan from Bride's were interviewed by Helen Jones on BBC Radio Merseyside, Sunday 26th April 2015. You can heard the interview hew
In our current series of reflections we're looking at the Resurrection story. The series 'True Resurrection' is based on a book of that title by H A Williams published in 1972. Harry Williams was a member of the of the radical 1960's school of Cambridge theologians and in his later years a member of the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield, Yorks.
Celebrating Easter Sunday reflecting on hope amidst the darkness
Public lecture given by Rev Jonathan Clatworthy as part of the Theology and Modernity series of lectures given at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 23rd March 2015 "The State we're in...is God the Problem or the Answer?" This is part of our "Theology and Modernity" lecture series and examines the question: Can religious belief do more harm than good?
Open Table is our monthly Eucharist service for the LGBTI community, friends and family. Rev Sara Doyle spoke on 15th March reflecting on the life of St Patrick.
Today Petra shared her thoughts on Mothering Sunday and Motherhood and the joys and sadness the journey brings.
During February and March we're reflecting on the theme of God, Suffering and Evil. People have always puzzled over why there should be so much evil and suffering in the world. Is God evil or powerless? Or is there no God at all? Every theory leaves us with unanswered questions.
A special lecture given by Rev Don MacGregor as part of the Spirituality and Awakening series of lectures given at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 2nd March 2015. Don explores the concept of God as Compassionate Consciousness.
During February and March we're reflecting on the theme of God, Suffering and Evil. People have always puzzled over why there should be so much evil and suffering in the world. Is God evil or powerless? Or is there no God at all? Every theory leaves us with unanswered questions.
February is LGBT History Month in the UK. At our monthly Open Table service for Liverpool's LGBT community Kieran reflected on the importance of marking LGBT History month and understanding our identity.
During February and March we're reflecting on the theme of God, Suffering and Evil. People have always puzzled over why there should be so much evil and suffering in the world. Is God evil or powerless? Or is there no God at all? Every theory leaves us with unanswered questions.
During January we've been reflecting on the theme of Storytelling. Cate, wonderful storyteller, kicked us off in style!
In December we reflected on the theme of Hope. In today's talk our guest speaker Gwen Blackwell from Women's International Solidarity Movement looks at Hope for Palestine.
In October we explored the idea of "What is Progressive Evangelism". Evangelism can be intrusive, disrespectful and much more besides but we all evangelise in one way or another. In these series of reflections we explore how evangelism can be positive, respectful and life enhancing. In this reflection Helen looks at Being Generous Companions.
In October we explored the idea of "What is Progressive Evangelism". Evangelism can be intrusive, disrespectful and much more besides but we all evangelise in one way or another. In these series of reflections we explore how evangelism can be positive, respectful and life enhancing.
In October we explored the idea of "What is Progressive Evangelism". Evangelism can be intrusive, disrespectful and much more besides but we all evangelise in one way or another. In these series of reflections we explore how evangelism can be positive, respectful and life enhancing.
The second in our series looking in depth at the New Testament book of James. Looking again at ancient wisdom with a creative, progressive and inclusive perspective.
The first in our series looking in depth at the New Testament book of James. Looking again at ancient wisdom with a creative, progressive and inclusive perspective.
A reflection by Revd Mark Waters at our 10am Sunday service on Sunday 10th August 2014. Mark shares his experience of knowing and Jim Cotter.
A reflection by Sara Doyle at our 10am Sunday service on Sunday 27th July 2014. Part of our "Living With..." series.
Cate's moving reflection from our Living With series on living with HIV
A Reflection by Gina Shaw at our 10am Sunday Morning service on Sunday 6th July 2014.
Public lecture given by Rev Ruth Stock as part of the Theology and Modernity series of lectures given at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 7th July 2014.
A Reflection by Rev Petra Elsmore at our 10am Sunday Morning service on Sunday 13th July 2014.
A Reflection by Jon Jelfs at our 10am Sunday Morning service on Sunday 8th June 2014.
Public lecture given by Dr Lyn Bechtel as part of the Theology and Modernity series of lectures given at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 2nd June 2014.
A Reflection by Petra Elsmore at our 10am Sunday Morning service on Sunday 30th March 2014. Part of a our 4 week series looking at hunger. Petra guided us through a Mindful Eating meditation.
A Reflection by Bill Lynn at our 10am Sunday Morning service on Sunday 9th February 2014. Part of a 4 week series looking at the book of Ruth in depth and seeing what these ancient stories can say about our modern lives.
A reflection by Cate Jacobs from St Bride's reflecting on the patron saint of our church St Bridget of Kildare and the remarkable stories and how they embody the divine feminine.
Reflection from our 10am service on Sunday 22nd December 2013 by Warren Hartley, looking at the life and ministry of Bishop Gene Robinson
Reflection from our 10am service on Sunday 22nd December 2013
Public lecture given by Rev Jonathan Clatworthy as part of the Theology and Modernity series of lectures given at St Bride's Church Liverpool delivered on Monday 4th November 2013. This lecture commemorates 50 years since the ground breaking book 'Honest to God' by Bishop John T Robinson and asks "50 years on, does the church still have its head in the sand".