A Pastoral Letter to the Open Table Liverpool Community
Open Table Liverpool is proud to be part of the Open Table Network
Open TableLiverpool is a Christian worship community which welcomes and affirms people who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA+) and anyone who wants to belong in an accepting, loving community. Open Table aims to create a safe sacred space for you to explore your faith and what it means for you. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, you are more than welcome here.
Dear friends,
You may all have seen the news reports on Tuesday evening about the Bishop of Liverpool.
If this has affected you or someone you know at Open Table there are folk you and they can talk to. Please reach out.
On Tuesday evening the Senior Clergy of the diocese issued a pastoral letter to the clergy and people of the Diocese of Liverpool following the allegations against the Bishop of Liverpool. May I encourage you to read it which is available here on the Diocesan website.
On Wednesday the Senior Clergy wrote to the Archbishop of York asking the Bishop of Liverpool to step aside while these accusations are investigated which you can read here.
The Bishop today (Thursday) has issued a statement advising he has retired as Bishop.
The Parish Clergy Team and the Open Table Leadership Team (of which I'm a part) are available to support all Open Table people. We know as much as you do in terms of the allegations and this story will no doubt continue to unfold. I pray that we can support each other as we all wrestle with questions we may have about church, faith and safeguarding.
If you would like to talk to someone about this please contact me (see details below) or a member of our clergy team:
Rev’d David Halliwell - 07468844512
Rev’d Laura Ferguson - 07557501582
Rev’d Lu Skerratt-Love - 07401662812
and/or our parish Safeguarding Officer Rose Green caring@stlukeinthecity.org.uk 07360630725 or 07360630872
Alternatively click here to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors.
You are all a precious part of this community and I pray we can all support each other. Stay in touch and look after yourselves and each other as this process which affects our common life unfolds.
Yours in Christ,
Warren Hartley
LGBTQIA+ Ministry Facilitator