Mindfulness at St Bride’s: 8 week course


This course follows the pattern of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Programme as introduced by Jon Kabat Zinn and his colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre. The course consists of eight weekly sessions of 2 hours duration and one whole silent day of guided and structured mindfulness meditation practice. The first part of the programme puts emphasis on developing the skills of being present with internal experiences such as body sensations, thoughts, emotions and feelings.

The second half of the programme focusses on expanding awareness and applying the learning to daily life, life challenges and interactions with others. Through mindfulness meditation practices and mindful movement such as yoga and qi gong, we can learn to pay attention to our experience of the present moment and cultivate our awareness of the mind and body and living in here and now.

An important part of this course is our commitment to home practice as most learning happens through applying mindfulness to our day to day life and by trying to follow the formal practices on a daily basis.

To get most out of the course, it is important to attend all the sessions or miss no more than one or two. It is also important to be able to commit to regular formal practice of at least 30 minutes at home 6 out of 7 days in the week.

The course is led by Petra Elsmore and Ruth Stock who both follow Personal and Professional Training Programme in teaching mindfulness through Bangor University. They both have long standing interest and experience in meditation practice and contemplative prayer.

There will be a charge for this course of £60 to cover the cost of producing course materials and purchasing equipment. We ask for a non-refundable deposit of £15 to book a place on the course.

Where: St Michael's in the City Church, Upper Pitt Street, L1 5BD When: Monday evenings, from 9th February till 30th March 2015  Time: 7.30 -9.30 pm  Silent Day: Saturday 21st March 2015, 10am-4 pm *Booking is essential for this popular course.

To book your place or find out more, please contact Petra on 07557 045703 or via email: petra.elsmore@yahoo.co.uk

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