Fill the Shelves for Summer at Hope+ Foodbank


You may remember the song “I had a dream” from Joseph & His Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, or the actual story from Genesis 41 in which Pharaoh dreams of seven fat cows being eaten by seven thin ones, which remain thin.  The cows represent seven years of plenty, and seven years of famine.

At , the last two summers have very definitely been months of famine, and our food store has been emptied.  Usually we spend £150 per week buying in shortage items, last summer we were spending twice that.  On two occasions we had to close early having run short of food. There are two reasons why this has happened:

We receive large collections of food from schools, but obviously not during the holidays; also many people are either away on holiday, saving up for their holiday, or spent up upon their return.

We see more people in the summer.  Last year we saw 2,715 between July and September.

Please help us fill the shelves in our new food store in the fat months of spring, so that we may store up our surplus to see us through the thin summer months to come.