Introducing our new Team Vicar!
Revd Laura Ferguson
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Revd Laura Ferguson as the next Team Vicar of the Team Parish of St Luke in the City, of which St Bride’s is a part.
Laura was ordained in the Diocese of Liverpool in 2013, and served her curacy in nearby Kensington at the parish of All Saints before moving to Bristol in 2016. Prior to ordination, Laura worked as a Youth and Children’s worker in Plymouth and an E-learning designer.
It is an absolute delight to welcome Laura back to Liverpool and to see her take up this role. Laura is a gifted priest with a passion for the creative arts and is no stranger to the parish. During her curacy, Laura developed an Arts Ministry in the Baltic Triangle. Laura will bring to St Luke in the City an array of experience as well as enthusiasm and a real sense of call to see a bigger church making a bigger difference in the city centre, Edge Hill and beyond. Laura said:
“I’m really excited to finally be announcing the appointment, and even more excited to start getting to know you all. I know that the start date is a bit of a way off but I hope to pop in a little before I formally begin to get my bearings and become a familiar face. I feel a real sense of call to the Team Parish of St Luke in the City, and have already experienced a warm and enthusiastic welcome. From what I’ve seen so far I particularly appreciate your diversity, creativity and open-mindedness, and I look forward to discerning new opportunities together. Prayers would be appreciated for me and my family as we prepare for the arrival of our third child in April, and as we organise ourselves to move in the summer.”
Thank you all for your prayers during this time of discernment. Laura’s licensing service will be held at 3pm on Sunday 13th September at St Bride’s. Laura will initially work half-time for six months before moving to full time.
UPDATE 06/04/2020: We are delighted to announce that Laura and her husband Mikey welcomed baby George Henry Ferguson into the world on Friday 3rd April 2020.
“All home now and doing well and getting used to being a family of 5! Huge thanks to all who have been concerned/praying for us over the last few weeks and to all the courageously dedicated staff at Whiston Hospital”
Mikey, Laura and BABy George