Continuing our Lent series on 'Holy Habits', our Rector, Revd Dr Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, shares her reflection on giving.
Read MoreFAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT is from 26th February to 11th March 2018 - As part of our Lent series on 'Holy Habits', our Traidcraft reps Trish and Lynn encourage us to make buying fair trade a habit.
Read MoreFor our Lent series on 'Holy Habits', Kieran Bohan, one of our Local Missional Leaders, shares his experience of the Examen, an invitation to daily thankfulness
Read MoreOur Team Vicar, Revd Mark Waters from St Dunstan's Edge Hill, reflects on his experience of contemplation and contemplative prayer as part of our Lent series on 'Holy Habits':
Read MoreMiranda Threlfall-Holmes, Team Rector of St Luke in the City, Liverpool, and author of The Teenage Prayer Experiment Notebook, was one of eight people who sent a message back in time as part of The Church Times' current series on Church & Youth:
Read MoreIs Christianity inseparable from patriarchy, or can we somehow disentangle the threads? asks our Rector, Miranda Threlfall-Holmes on the feast of our patron St Bride:
Read MoreOur Rector Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, who was at the Church of England's General Synod when it voted to consider authorising a liturgy to welcome trans people by reaffirming their baptismal identity in their new name and gender, responds to the decision announced this week that the House of Bishops has declined the opportunity to create a new liturgy.
Read MoreON Monday 8th January a group from St Bride's went to Picturehouse @ FACT on Wood Street to see this film. Jackie O' Carroll offers her reflection:
Read MoreA baby in a manger. A Christmas card image that we can almost stop looking at, because it has become so familiar, writes our Rector, Miranda-Threlfall-Holmes:
Read MoreLAST DECEMBER, as part of our Advent theme on Journeys, we heard the story of Margaret, a former Commonwealth sportswoman from Uganda seeking asylum in Liverpool. This year we celebrated with her and her partner Lydia as they won the right to remain in the UK and be together.
Read MoreLast week I read a headline on The Independent news website that said:
‘One in five Brits does not know Jesus Christ born on 25 December’.
I have good news for them - he almost certainly wasn’t! - A reflection by Kieran Bohan, chaplain at YMCA Liverpool.
Read MoreOn 10th December, Rev Mark Waters our Team Vicar who primarily looks after our sister church St Dunstan's shared a thought proving sermon at St Bride's thinking about the 'Colour of Advent'
Read MorePeople in St Bride’s are so appreciative and supportive - last week when I brought along our advent wreath, lots of people liked it, which I was really pleased about, writes Trish, one of our Traidcraft fair trade volunteers:
Read MorePosh Advent calendars. They're a real thing this year - our Rector Miranda Threlfall-Holmes writes:
I'm old enough to remember when you couldn't even get chocolate in a Advent calendar, just either a Christmassy picture behind each window, or a Bible quotation. Chocolate started a few years too late for my childhood, but hell yeah. And then, silently but surely, posh Advent calendars have developed as a thing.
So, you’ve survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday – and maybe had a little left over for Giving Tuesday? Let’s not forget that December is a marathon, not a sprint. It may be the ‘most wonderful time of year’ for some, it can also be the most expensive and challenging time of the year for many, writes Kieran Bohan. chaplain with Liverpool YMCA.
Read MoreOne of St Brides’ congregation, Lynn McAllister, took part in Amos Trust’s Just Walk to Jerusalem this year, in which a group of people walked from London to Jerusalem to apologise for the consequences of the Balfour Declaration for the Palestinians.
Read MoreOn September 11, 2017, sixteen years after the devastating terrorist attack on New York's World Trade Center, an article appeared online about its first recorded victim, which asked: 'Could Father Mychal Judge Be the First Gay Saint?' Father Mychal Judge was a little-known Franciscan friar ministering humbly to the disenfranchised and unloved on the streets of New York City... until September 11, 2001, when he suddenly became a global figure.
Read MoreAT the monthly communion service in August hosted by Open Table, (OT), an ecumenical Christian worship community which offers a warm welcome to people who are: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer / Questioning, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA), the Bishop of Liverpool, Rt Revd Paul Bayes, gave a reflection on 'a story of increasing love and boundaries crossed'.
Read MoreTHESE were the courageous words of the keynote speaker at this year's annual conference of Quest, which offers pastoral support for LGBT Catholics in the UK, writes Kieran, one of our Local Missional Leaders.
Sister Jeannine Gramick has cared and campaigned for the LGBT community in the USA since 1971, two years before Quest was founded.
Read MoreTHIS WEEKEND the Bishop of Liverpool, Rt Revd Paul Bayes, will join the celebration of Open Table, an ecumenical Christian worship community which offers a warm welcome to people who are: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA+) and all who seek a more inclusive Church.
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