Making Fairtrade a holy habit


FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT is from 26th February to 11th March 2018 - As part of our Lent series on 'Holy Habits', our Traidcraft reps Trish Doocey and Lynn McAllister encourage us to make buying fair trade a habit.

Buying Fairtrade is an everyday habit that we can all get into because we all shop!  Making our purchases Fairtrade means that our everyday shopping promotes justice and fairness rather than feeding exploitation. Our Traidcraft stall is set out on the first Sunday of every month, but goods are also available to purchase on most Sundays – just ask Trish or Lynn.

Changing Labels

Over the coming months Traidcraft will be changing their branding label on many of their products. The new label is the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO) symbol, shown above.

Why? Because the WFTO standards guarantee that the company as a whole acts and behaves fairly in all its business dealings. In the words of Traidcraft’s chief executive,

It’s less about the products we buy and sell, and more about the way we do it.

Traidcraft want to make it clear that

we firmly belong to the family of organisations who behave fairly (WFTO) not to the world of multinationals and conventional traders who occasionally dabble in Fairtrade Marked products.

Look out for the World Fair Trade Organisation logo, and make your shopping a holy habit!

Kieran BohanComment