God my next door neighbour - reflection by Sue Say
Wesley, Frank, 1923-2002. And the Word Became Flesh, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. https://diglib.library.vanderbilt.edu/act-imagelink.pl?RC=59238 [retrieved February 6, 2024]. Original source: Estate of Frank Wesley, http://www.frankwesleyart.com/main_page.htm.
Good morning, my name is Sue, I am one of the church wardens in the parish of St Luke in the City.
I do hope everyone enjoyed their Christmases. It is undoubtedly my favourite time of year.
The most amazing story of all - the birth of Christ.
It is the season that we all take time to think about our families and friends. We give cards, presents, we go on nights out, meals. We even remember to visit those people we have side-lined all year. We reach out, we hold and we embrace our loved ones. With a baby’s cry we join together to celebrate the very essence of family.
Candlemas marks the change of theme to light, which naturally flows into John 1. This passage reminds us of God the word, God the creator, the light.
“In the beginning was the word” - a very powerful start to a reading.
I found myself immediately transported back to the start of the bible. To Genesis 1 - “In the beginning God made the heaven and earth.”
God the deity, the creator of our world.
However, I have always found many passages in the Old Testament, challenging.
I find myself very disconnected from many of the teachings.
I was brought up in Horsell, a little church village, in Surrey. Lets just say over 50 years ago and leave it there.
We were taught the bible was to be heard, believed and followed in a literal sense. I struggled with that. I really struggled with that.
Many a minister would tut, shake their heads or gasp at the audacity of a child to question scripture. I also spent many a Sunday School session, stood in a corner of the room facing the wall - where I was expected to pray and repent my evil ways.
But, I actually prayed for someone to answer my questions.
We all learn in different ways, some learn through books, some through the spoken word. But for me, I’m a hands on sort of girl. I learn by asking questions, by watching, bearing witness. This is what makes me feel truly connected.
As I stated earlier, when I initially started reading John 1, my first thought was of God the Deity, the creator of our world. Which leads me to view God as a somewhat distant figure, to be praised and worshipped, but not really relatable.
But as I continued reading John 1, I could see that my relationship with God changes. One solitary line leapt out at me. That one line creating an intimate link.
14 - and the word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us.
Now, here is a concept I can get a hold of. No longer the distant deity. But God actually amongst us. God my next door neighbour.
God's spirit living in human form the ultimate demonstration that, as humans, we can let God's spirit live in us.
But then my mind moved on to where God chose to reveal himself. They could have picked anywhere, been born anywhere.
But Jesus was born in a stable, not in a palace. God didn't choose the easy road, God did not chose to live amongst the wealthy and privileged. No, from my perspective God didn't choose to live in Allerton, God chose Toxteth.
God lived with the poor, the lost and disenfranchised. Through Jesus, God brought hope and salvation to those who had none, sharing their sorrows and easing their burdens. Showing us how to live righteous lives. Teaching us forgiveness, understanding and what unconditional love, truly means. It is ours for the taking, we just have to accept God in our hearts.
That's not difficult BUT once we accept God, we must also accept the life that comes with that.
Our responsibility to make the world a better place. Setting aside our more negative traits of ownership, possessiveness and jealousy and be more understanding, forgiving and inclusive.
In some ways, I find it easier to deepen my understanding of God through Jesus.
I feel closer.
John 1, highlights for me the many levels of relationship that I can have with God.
I am definitely, way up, on the doubting Thomas scale and actions speak louder than words.
The actions of God in human form, Jesus, resonate way more for me than ancient scripture.
John 1 took me on a journey. I thought about and explored, my changing relationship with God.
In my youth, God was a distant figure to be viewed with awe. I felt disconnected and in some ways isolated.
But as I grew up, I recognised that I had a much deeper relationship. A moving, growing relationship. God was with me always, my guide, my teacher.
John 1, reminds me that I am not alone and just how amazing it is to be included in something so much more. I believe, so I am part of the family of God. We are all part of the family of God.
And TOGETHER we can support each other to share God's word, God's love and God's grace.