The Footsteps of God


This beautiful creed by Dorothy McRae Mcmahon was chosen by Helen Randall for the liturgy used at this mornings Morning Prayer at St Brides

The footsteps of God
are there for us,
marked in the creation
in countless gifts and beauties.
They lie there before us
in patterns of harmony and interweaving,
in survivals against the odds
and brave bright life.

The footsteps of God
are there for us
in the light tread of the Christ,
leaving hollows of love and grace,
inviting us to put our feet within god’s life
and find ourselves deep in meaning,
held into purpose
and carried forward into fullness.

The footsteps of God
are there for us
in the mystery of the Spirit,
gently touching the earth with comfort,
leaving tracks of truth and courage,
and lifting her feet
in dancings of delight
which leap over our laws,
our limits,
our boundaries on love.

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