The Fuzzy Felt Bible by Guy Elsmore

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One of the unexpected joys of spring cleaning the Church are the "finds" which take us back to another era. One such from yesterday is pictured here. A Fuzzy-Felt Bible story set, used by a long ago Sunday School.

At the risk of instant arrest by an official from the Ministry of Puns, I am pondering whether the concept of bible stories which are "fuzzy" and "felt" might be rather appropriate for St Bride's, where we are trying to work with the scriptures in ways which are (to borrow the language of Marcus Borg) more than literal. 

The concept of a "fuzzy" bible is a lovely one for those who are trying to live with these powerful stories in a way which is no longer fundamentalist or literalist. The concept of a "felt" bible speaks of the sacramental quality of these and many other sacred stories which have the power to transform and touch us at the core of our being.

We're starting a new course tonight at St Bride's "Saving Jesus", produced by the same people who brought us "Living the Questions". It promises to be a fuzzy/felt encounter with Jesus.

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