Seeking Unity Between Faiths by Guy Elsmore

In this week of Prayer for Christian Unity, is it too much to think that we might also pray for unity (or at least community) between faiths? Here's a quotation from Bede Griffiths.

"All our conflicts arise because we stop at a certain level. Christians stop at the Christian religion. Muslims at Islam, and if you are a Hindu you stop at your own symbolism. Each one feels him or herself separate from the others. Only when you go beyond these distinctions and are open to the reality beyond, can you overcome these conflicts" (The Universal Christ, Bede Griffiths)

And the text of the World Peace Prayer, which was written by members of all the worlds faiths and which we say at every communion service at St Bride's

O God,
lead us from death to life,
from falsehood to truth.
Lead us from despair to hope,
from fear to trust.
Lead us from hate to love,
from war to peace.
Let peace fill our hearts,
our world,
our universe.

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