Walking the North Wales Pilgrim Way
Over 11 days between 26th May and 5th June, our churchwarden Dave Bradley walked the 134 miles of the North Wales Pilgrim Way. The Way visits many sites of historic interest or with spiritual associations, such as ancient pilgrim churches, holy wells and even a 4000 year old yew tree.
Dave says it was hard but he loved it and many special things happened. He found it especially moving to revisit the 2013 pilgrimage route from Clynnog Fawr onwards. Memories of Sara Doyle's first celebration of communion at that time in the pilgrim chapel at Pistyll were special. Dave managed to be in that very remarkable place at the same time as St Bride's service on Sunday June 4th, aware that people were praying for him as he was for them. The walk was sponsored, for St. Bride's building fund, and Dave would like to thank people for having generously so far given £846.