Red ribbons and roses - A poem for #WorldAidsDay

A poem by Cate Jacobs for World AIDS Day 


Let me die at sunrise. In the cool, thin dawn of the day

when the pull of the moon and the ocean share a moment

of stillness and nothing moves, nothing breathes - until

the first ray of light breaks the horizon and birds begin

to sing, cockerels crow and children stir from their dreams

- let me slip out of this body, a whisper of spirit, leaving

the heaviness of being behind. 

Let me die at sunset - diving over the edge of the world

in apricot, scarlet and slashes of red. Or like a cloud

passing over the face of the moon may my shadow slip

into the night, beyond and forever. Or in the middle

of a storm as a flash of lightning distracts you, let me roll

away on the back of thunder where I cannot hear your voice

beseeching God for miracles and cures.

Let me die listening to the sound of you washing dishes

in the kitchen, hoovering the hall or speaking on the telephone,

shouting through that mum sends her love - let me grasp

that love as a ticket to ride out of this life. Let me die

by the open window with the nets billowing in the breeze

let it catch me up and take me with it but first let me


Let me live with compassion and understanding, adorned

in red ribbons and roses. Let me love without fear. Let me

belong, be valued, desired, cherished. Let me be seen

for all that I am -  a person just like you.

Let me live.