This Sunday is our Bring & Share Agape meal. Everyone is welcome. Just bring some vegetarian food to share and come as you are. If you can spare it, you are welcome to bring something non-perishable to give to the Foodbank as well
We've loved meeting on zoom and will continue to offer a hybrid option to make the gathering as accessible as possible for as many as possible including our friends who've joined us across large distances. This will be an experiement and we'll continue to adjust and polish as we progress to find what works best. This month we'll have:
1. Refreshments and setting the table from 6pm
2. 6.30pm - Simple act of worship and prayers with everyone in the room and on zoom
3. 6.45pm - Eat together and discuss what it means to be a Safe Sacred Space with everyone in the room and on zoom
4. Around 7.30pm everyone in the room and on zoom regather for an optional sharing circle
'Agape' comes from the Greek word for 'self-giving love' - an Agape meal often takes the form of a simple remembrance of Jesus' Last Supper with his friends, which members of the community take turns to lead.
Everyone is welcome at Open Table. Open Table is an LGBTQIA+ affirming Christian community which aims to create a safe and supportive place for you to explore your faith and what this might mean for your own spiritual journey. No matter who you are, where you've come from, or where your journey may take you, you will find a welcome.
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Meeting ID: 348 762 7488
Passcode: 494498
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday evening.
Best wishes,