You are invited this Sunday, 17th March, to our regular Communion Service warmly welcoming Liverpool's LGBTQIA+ Community, friends and family 6.30pm at St Bride's Liverpool. Refreshments served from 6pm.
This Sunday we welcome the Revd Canon Stuart Haynes and Jamie Haynes from Open Table Liverpool who will lead the service. It’s a real delight .to welcome Stuart to the ‘other side’ of the table for the first time and Jamie sharing with us.
In March we mark Transgender Day of Visibility which is an annual event occurring on March 31 dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide. The holiday was founded by US-based transgender activist Rachel Crandall of Michigan in 2009 as a reaction to the lack of LGBT holidays celebrating transgender people, citing the frustration that the only well-known transgender-centred holiday was the Transgender Day of Remembrance which mourned the murders of transgender people, but did not acknowledge and celebrate living members of the transgender community. The first International Transgender Day of Visibility was held on March 31, 2009.
Look forward to seeing you and feel free to pass the invitation around your Facebook friends!
Everyone is welcome at Open Table. Open Table is an LGBTQIA+ affirming Christian community which aims to create a safe and supportive place for you to explore faith and what this might mean for your own spiritual journey. No matter who you are, where you've come from, or where your journey may take you, you will find a welcome.