Grasping the nettle
Last Saturday we had our Community Ground Force & Open Day at St. Brides, writes Sandra Dears, one of our young people's group leaders.
We grasped the nettle, or should we say hundreds of nettles and made a big improvement to the gardens around the church.
We owe lots of people a huge thank you.
Over the course of the day thirty one adults, two teenagers, seven children and four dogs arrived. They came from across the road and round the corner, from next door and from further afield. They came in cars and vans, on foot or on bikes, carrying spades and forks, rakes, brushes, loppers, wheelbarrows.
They came to help, they came because they share a vision for St. Bride's and they have a heart for community.
Everyone brought gifts: time, enthusiasm, energy, advice, expertise, encouragement, laughter and stories.
The soup was gorgeous, the kitchen staff superb. Our building project information display was excellent.
Someone scattered seeds, and next Sunday the young people from the FISH group are planting bulbs.
This is a beginning… a new beginning. Let’s see where the Spirit takes us next!
See more pictures from the day here: